Combining jobs

FinePrint can defer the printing of jobs so that you can combine multiple print jobs as a single FinePrint job. This is useful for short items such as web pages that need to be combined into a single 2 or 4 up page.  It is also useful when there are a number of documents to be printed together to a shared printer so that the jobs of others are not interspersed with your own.

In order to combine multiple jobs together, just print to FinePrint, return to your application and print again.  As long as the FinePrint window is available, all jobs will continue to be collected in the preview automatically.  

Note: If FinePrint disappears behind other windows, just click on the FinePrint icon in the task bar at the bottom of the Windows display.

The Separate Jobs feature is useful when using combining documents to control how different jobs are printed on different sides or sheets.

To see a list of all your print jobs, click the Jobs mini-tab in the Preview tab.